
link to the final video:

evaluation for the sound project:

when making this final product i did struggle with:

downloading the video itself.

arranging the times when i and the voice actors will record.

but with these issues we did find a way that everyone can do their voice acting as well as finding a you tube down-loader that can download the video.

what went well:

i think that the sounds were pretty accurate to the original and made the whole composition the same, i was informed that the last scene had no background noise for the background characters however in the original those characters aren't making any noise at all and i was trying to make it similar to the original scene, however next time i will add those in to make it less confusing for the audience.

the thing that went the voice acting of the characters yang, Blake and Weiss went well as i was in a professional sound booth and my and my fathers interview was using a different mic and a larger room which made the audio sound echoy.

another thing that i feel went well was the lip syncing as i managed to get the voices to match up to the lips moving in the scene and i edited it to make sure it matched up and i think i succeeded in doing that.

i think that the music me and my father came up with went well with the scene and that was what we hoped to achieve when making this.

Darcey's (character Blake) comments: Really loved it! fitted well, however the last time i listened, you sounded further away than everyone else.

Faye's (character Yang) comments: The sounds are synced up with the video really well and it's been great seeing it all come together! My main criticism would be how everyone speaks at different volumes? I know that you and your dad recorded in a more "echoey" space, but I think there is a way to make the other voices echo as well on audition. Really nice original music! Overall, I think that this is entertaining to watch and flows really well.

Jade's (character Weiss):I really liked the end product, I feel that the audio was synced up really well and it was entertaining to watch. I liked the extra sound effects. The only improvement i would suggest would be to add in some extra noises when the uncle character was bouncing around the room. other than that I really loved this.

what i could improve:

in this project i think i could have improved my research into the project as from the beginning i knew what i wanted to and stuck with that without exploring other ways i could do this project.

also in this project i found that not everyone heard the foley sounds like the windows opening, when listening to it i heard it and asked people what they thought and said that they couldn't really hear it so i did turn it up but i could hear it due to the fact i know that it is in the sequence.

things i think i need to improve on the time management as i think i could have done more with the project, i would have liked to add more sound effects but couldn't due to me not being able to manage my time better.

another thing i think i really need to improve is the sound quality, my and my dad's lines were kind of echoey as we used a different microphone so next time i think i should  try and only use one mic or a mic that won't be as echoey or go to a smaller room.

also for this project i think o could have improved my blog i like to work in the moment so i typically don't note down a step by step which i have learnt to do better but not as much in this project.

what i learnt from this project:

from this project i learnt how to use audition to an extent which may help me with the Fmp and other projects i may do in the future.

also in this project i did some effects in premier pro which i learnt new skills from and will be useful for me to use in the future.

if i did this project again i think i would look into more mediums of media and develop my idea's more and show more with the process of making the final product.

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