

examples of sound based work

the kirlian frequency:

this is a show on Netflix that uses basic animation but the main part of this show is the sound as it focuses on narrating and story telling.

the story is about a radio show host as he tells horror stories about the events in the place kirlian.

Image result for the kirlian frequency

the sounds used in this show is mainly narrative but there are sounds that relate to the stories he (the show host) is telling.

they use music to emphasise the emotions and the fear of the city kirlian and then the sound of the radio show equipment stopping the music.

this show is a horror themed podcast with gunshots when needed to add effect to what is being told to the viewer.

this is more of a visual podcast as you can see the narration and you can see see what is going on in the story while the story is being told.

the characters within this animation are emphasised, the main character narrator has a somewhat psycho persona as he often kidnaps people or has a psychotic tone when he is narrating.


recently i have been listening/ watching a podcast on YouTube called simplypodlogical in is this podcast they talk about serious topics like relationships, jobs, and many other topics.

Image result for simplypodlogical

i like this podcast as it talks about things that not every one talks about and hearing the podcast's members opinions on these topics are interesting to hear.

with this podcast they have the questions from their viewer's prepared before the podcast is live fro people to see and the questions are chosen and put into the video with thought and relevancy to the topics that they will be covering.

i did some research into sound techniques and the different types of sound:

Today sound is an important feature of a film. It is used to improve the overall presentation. It is used in the form of words as in dialogues, sound effects and music. Technically there are two kinds of sounds. They are Diegetic and Non-diegetic.
Diegetic Sounds
These include all sounds that come from the objects and characters we see on screen. The source of sound is visible. They include words and dialogues used by different characters, sounds of the door slamming, footsteps, dog barking etc.
for this type of sound it would be highly relevant as most of the sounds that will be used in the scene will be diegetic.
Non Diegetic sounds
They are sounds from sources outside the screen/story. The source of this sound is invisible. They include musical scores, sound effects, commentary, voice of god, mood music etc.
for this type of sound it would only be relevant in the music side of things as all of the other scenes will be on screen
Use of Sound effects
Sound effects are necessary to get the plot moving. The mood of the film can be altered by the use of varied pitches and volume. Sound effects also prepare the audience for the next important occurrence in the movie. For e.g. the sound of sudden brakes and screeching tires are used to create an emotion of anxiety. Muted sounds can be used for a mystery or crime setting. Similarly different types of sounds are used to create nostalgia, romance, adventure etc.
Today sound effects are created using computers. Animal sounds, explosions, sound of rain, storm etc are all easily possible. There are libraries with computer sound effects. Sound effects are usually added after the entire film is shot.
in this case this would be all of the sounds that i will be making as what i will be doing is foley which is sounds created after the visible scene is made

Rwby chibi episodes:

for my research into voice acting i had a look at the cast of the show that i will be doing foley and voice acting for.

i analysed the voices of each character which helped me choose the voice actors and to help determine the target audience which for the main show would be early teens due to some violent scenes.

i think that in this parody spinoff of the show would be the same as there are references of the main show in this so in order to get them you would have to watch the original.

in the other rwby chibi's the sound effects are very exaggerated and very energetic and fast paced which is more entertaining for a younger audience

the audience who are most likely to come across these small chibi animations are kids or those who have watched RWBY and are interested in the in the small bits and bob's to do with the show.

Image result for rwby chibi

the voice acting in the original show are the same as the main show

these are the characters general voices:

Ruby - high pitched, sounds quite excited most of the time, all of the emotions are exaggerated, she is a bubbly character and is generically very optimistic and happy go lucky unless something bad happens. as her power is speed it kind of represents her character as she is quite a quick and excitable character.
in the show she is voiced by Lindsay Jones

Image result for rwby ruby

Weiss - her characters voice is quite posh as she is from a wealthy family, she speaks in a serious tone, her voice in high pitched, she is a mature character who is at first snobby but has a sensitive side which only occurs when it needs to. as her power is ice it kind of represents her character as she is quite a cold character.
in the show she is voiced by kara eberie

Image result for rwby rweiss

Blake - her voice is very monotone as she doesn't scream a lot or anything, in the episode i plan on remaking she is a bit sarcastic and it doesn't sound like she cares but she really does. as her power is shadows it kind of represents her character as she is quite a mysterious character and she doesn't trust all that easily.
in the show she is voiced by arryn zech

Image result for rwby blake

Yang - her voice is lower pitched and she has a tomboy-ish persona and has quite an explosive personality as that is her power. she can be quite smug sometimes and likes to joke around with the other characters, she does get quite angry sometimes as she has a short fuse and can get annoyed/ angry easily
in the show she is voiced by barbara dunkelman

Image result for rwby yang

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