

we are currently doing three projects and this is the sound project, for the sound project the brief was to do anything with sound pretty much and i immediately wanted to do a dub of an anime or cartoon.

previously i have had a go with making and recording sound as me and my dad made music and songs together, so i have a little idea of how to make this work.

i know that for this brief idea of mine i will have to create Foley which i have not done before other that a practice go in class but am excited to do more with that.

as for my current set up:

for the recording process we plan on using the app cubase which records music and vocals and has its own presets for sound.

Anime dubbing

For my sound based project I am planning to dub an anime scene, anime inspires me a lot and I think it would be a lot of fun to do.

As for the anime that I will be dubbing I think it would be best if I dubbed an anime without a already made dub as I feel it would be cheating if I basically copied/ took inspiration from the already dubbed sounds .

Even if i am not doing an anime with a dubbed version I will be taking inspiration from other anime scenes which are dubbed.

For the scenes i will be dubbing I will watch the subbed version to get an idea of what sounds would be needed in the background and what they are saying so I can dub them over.

As for the anime's I plan of doing, I have two idea's of which i think i can dub well, the anime are:

'Cautious Hero' or 'Asterisk War'#

cautious hero:
Image result for cautious hero
Cautious hero is about a man who is from earth is brought into another world by a 'goddess' to save it from a 'demon lord', but the hero is extremely cautious. 

The genre of this show is fantasy and comedy, the show has a dub but it is ongoing so there will be scenes and sounds that i don't know yet which would make this a good candidate for the sound based project.

If I were to choose this to do for my project, i think i can do the Foley for it and i have people who are willing to do voice acting for it, some of them don't watch anime which makes it easier to make this dubbing my own.

Image result for asterisk war

asterisk war:

I haven't watched Asterisk war yet but i think that would make it good for this project as i don't know what anything is supposed to sound like at all which would make it quite interesting and fun to guess what it should sound like.

Also if I chose to do this anime, in my evaluation i could compare with the actual dub much better as I don't know what it sounds like in any way, shape or form.

The only thing I really know about this show is that the genre of this anime is action fiction, harem and that the main cast is female which does make it easier to dub on my part as most of the people who are willing to help me are female. 

how i came up with these idea's was because i have an interest in anime which would make the project better if i actually like what i was doing rather than doing something i am not very interested in.


working tile: sound based project

genre: Foley, sound, the anime's that I am choosing from are fantasy and otherworldly.

target audience: anime fans and fans of the show, typically the target audience of both of these anime's which i will choose from would primarily be teenagers and young adults as these shows have the colours and humour that those audiences like.

outline: (what happens at the beginning, middle, end - outline of story)

character breakdown: main characters - name, age, race, gender, backstory, profession

audio elements: music - 
                          speech - 
                          background music - 

rational: I think this would be a good choice to do my sound project on because it will improve my noise/ voice recording skills as I haven't done a professional recording of sound in years i used to when i recorded music with my dad.

research: as for the research I think it would work better if i researched other dubbed anime to get a feel of what it should potentially sound like. and as for the anime's that I plan on researching are ones that are the same genre as my chosen show that I will be dubbing.

requirements and resources: for my project I still have to choose the anime that I plan on dubbing and then I can sort out the cast but as the main people who are helping me are my college friends and family members but before deciding on the main cast I will have to find the episode and scene of one of the anime's that I plan on doing .

constraints and contingency: the things that may go wrong when doing this project may be the cast and people cant make it on schedule, voice recorders may stall not record the footage or break which would be a problem as this project is timed.


As for the anime that I will do my sound project on is the Asterisk war, after watching the trailer I think it would be cool and fun to dub over this anime i may not have watched it but that gives me the opportunity to watch the subbed version and get the overall aesthetic and find a scene which would work.
I also think that doing this anime would make my evaluation more in depth as I haven't watched the official dub so it would be good to compare afterwords.

Image result for asterisk war

As for my title I think it would just simply be asterisk war dub scene, and as for the time I was told for the thing that I am doing 5 minutes is plenty but I may do less as I will be doing all the sounds within the scene.

final idea:

However, after thinking about it I figure that would be easier if I did an anime that I have watched but not know off by heart.
If I knew some of the scenes from an anime it would be easier to select the scene I want to dub, the anime I think would be a good fit would be the show RWBY be the company rooster-teeth, I have watched this series for a year or two now and I am a fan of the series.
Plus it would be easier to do since the main four characters are female and the majority of the people willing to helping me are female and to voice the characters it would be easier to have people who has a females voice

Image result for rwby

The series of rwby I want to do is the chibi because the episodes are short and will be more fun to do I think.

Image result for rwby chibi


working tile: sound based project

genre: Foley, sound, the anime's that I am choosing from are fantasy and otherworldly.

target audience: anime fans and fans of the show, typically the target audience of both of these anime's which i will choose from would primarily be teenagers and young adults as these shows have the colours and humour that those audiences like.

outline: (what happens at the beginning, middle, end - outline of story)

character breakdown: ruby rose - age 16-ish - female - huntress in training, yang's younger sister
                                       weisse schnee - 16-17-18-ish - female - huntress in training
                                       Blake belladonna - 16-17-18-ish - female - huntress in training
                                       yang Xiao Long16-17-18-ish - female - huntress in training, ruby's older                                                                                                                 sister

audio elements: music - 
                           speech - script of Rwby chibi
                           background music - 

rational: I think this would be a good choice to do my sound project on because it will improve my noise/ voice recording skills as I haven't done a professional recording of sound in years i used to when i recorded music with my dad.

research: as for the research I think it would work better if i researched other dubbed anime to get a feel of what it should potentially sound like. and as for the anime's that I plan on researching are ones that are the same genre as my chosen show that I will be dubbing.

constraints and contingency: the things that may go wrong when doing this project may be the cast and people cant make it on schedule, voice recorders may stall not record the footage or break which would be a problem as this project is timed.

Idea for the scenes:

The scene I think that would work for the project is the fight scene from volume two episode one, the idea I have for this is that I plan to have random scenes from the fight and have them anticlimactic sand make them as if they were the out-takes for the show. I want to have it as a comedic scene where nothing makes sense.

For the series I plan on doing, I think that the RWBY Chibi would work well for what I want to do with this project. The idea I had for the actual series was to put random clips together to make it entertaining however with the RWBY Chibi series the scenes are already random and comedic which would make the process of doing this much easier.

Diegetic sound is a noise which has a source on-screen. They are noises which have not been edited in, for example dialogue between characters or footsteps.
Another term for diegetic sound is actual sound.
Non-diegetic sound is a noise which does not have a source on-screen, they have been added in. For example music, voice-over, sound effects.
Non-diegetic sounds are often used to add drama to moments that would be silent without it.
diegetic - the sounds that will be used in this category would be the actual script and the background sound/ noises
non-diegetic - the sounds that will be used in this category is the music

The scene I want to do for my sound project is RWBY Chibi season 2, episode 9 - coming home to roost - rooster-teeth.

The episode is 2 minutes 55 seconds
The scenes in this episode are:

Qrow's return
Activist stuff
Yang being Jaunes life coach


headline/title :)
explain the overall idea :)
content - sounds, script, Foley, music etc - diagetic and non-diagetic :o
build it :)

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